Stakeholders engagement for the Adriatic sea
In 2023 MedReAct met local communities in Spain and Italy to present the key role that marine reserves can play to improve the state of the Mediterranean.
In Spain the proposal for a Fish Recovery Area in the Ebro Delta Margin was shared with local groups such as the Ebro Delta Natural Park, PICAMPALL, the Natural Park Islas Columbretes, local media, scientists from ICM-CSIC and IMEDMAR and the renowned Catalan freediver, Miguel Lozano. In Italy, the deep changes affecting marine life were highlighted, as well as the importance to protect the last key pristine areas in the Adriatic Sea, such as the Otranto Channel. The presentation was organized with the support of local groups "Il Ridosso”, Magna Grecia Mare, CIHEAM BARI and the participation of scientists from COISPA and CNR-ISMAR.