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Stop trawling in protected areas

Protect the Mediterranean from illegal fishing

Protect these biodiversity hotspots from destructive and illegal fishing.

Industrial fishing contributes to the depletion of the Mediterranean. 

La tua firma per creare nuove riserve marine nel Mediterraneo

Le riserve marine, chiuse alla pesca, rigenerano le risorse del Mar Mediterraneo e sono presidi della sua biodiversità.

Firma oggi stesso le nostre petizioni: aiuterai il mare a rinascere.

Firma la petizione

Bottom trawling: a highly destructive practice

The degradation of the Mediterranean is happening at an alarming rate. We urgently need to find a way to preserve fish resources and key marine ecosystems.

The EU’s Biodiversity Strategy calls for the protection of 30% of European waters by 2030. But time is running out – we need to protect the Mediterranean now.

Several protected areas, closed to trawling, have been established to safeguard fragile habitats and species. But this fishing ban is often flaunted, and trawling continues  undisturbed.

Sign the petition

What we ask

Effective management of protected areas and zero tolerance of illegal fishing.

To the European Union,

Urgent action is needed to stop illegal bottom trawling in protected areas.

In 2006, the European Union banned bottom trawling in the Mediterranean ‘Natura 2000’ sites  that were established to protect some of the most sensitive and important habitats, such as seagrasses, coralligenous and maërl beds.

But the ban is not being properly enforced. For more than 15 years, bottom trawlers have continued to operate illegally, in areas that should provide a refuge for biodiversity from this destructive activity.

We call for immediate European Union measures to ensure maximum protection for areas closed to bottom trawling.
