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Establish new marine reserves in the Mediterranean

Protect vulnerable ecosystems

Protect the life of our sea.

Marine reserves, closed to fishing, allow the Mediterranean’s ecosystems to regenerate and protect its biodiversity.

La tua firma per creare nuove riserve marine nel Mediterraneo

Le riserve marine, chiuse alla pesca, rigenerano le risorse del Mar Mediterraneo e sono presidi della sua biodiversità.

Firma oggi stesso le nostre petizioni: aiuterai il mare a rinascere.

Firma la petizione

Protecting a vital part of our planet

Deep-sea ecosystems cover more than 65% of the earth’s surface. They also host 95% of the global biosphere and nearly 3,000 species – the majority of which are still unknown.

Deep-sea habitats like coral communities and sponge gardens provide a place for other species to grow and find refuge. But they also provide vital services for the rest of the planet, such as sequestration of CO2. These species have slow growth rates and, due to the gradual depletion of fish stocks pushing fisheries into ever deeper waters, are dramatically at risk.

Sign the petition
of the Earth's surface covered by deep-sea ecosystems
different species live in deep-water habitats

What we ask

Full protection of the Mediterranean's deep-sea ecosystem from bottom trawling

To the European Union,

One of the main goals of the EU’s biodiversity strategy is the protection of 30% of European seas by 2030.

The Mediterranean is the world’s most overexploited sea, and the full protection of 30% of its waters must be achieved urgently. This is the only way to halt biodiversity loss, enable the recovery of species and habitats, and increase climate resilience.

That is why we are calling on the European Union to take action and establish a vast network of marine reserves to protect the deep-water ecosystems of our sea.
